Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Streak & Spread plates

2 spread and 3 streak
*for streak we sectioned the back of the agar by china pen in 4 divisions numbererd 1-4.
-we started in area 1 placing loop of organism in a zig-zag pattern.
then burned loop and drug 1 line of org. to #2 section then did a zig-zag motion again.
so forth so on to all 4 sections.
*for the spread plates we placed dime sized drop of broth onto the agar
and used a u-shaped tool to spread evenly around germ.
*we flipped the streak plates upside down to prevent condensation in incubation-24 hrs.
7 different organisms were used.
*S. epi  *S. marcescens  *P. aeru. *P. mirabilis  *M. luteus  *E. Faecal  *B. sub

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