Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oxidation-Fermentation test

*looking for aerobically & anaerobically or fermentaion of bacteria's ablility to utilize glucose
* we used hour glass shaped tubes with mineral oil seperating the middle so that oxygen cannot get to bottom. the medium is enriched with (O-F) high sugar-to-peptone ratio
its prepared with glucose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, mannitol, or xylose
*inoculated 3 with E. coli, P. aeru, A. faec with a needle and stabbed all the way 1/2 cm from the bottom of the butt. Incubated for 24 hrs.
the part that turns yellow is the oxidizor if turned blue its non-reactive it deaminated the peptone
if yellowe on top and bottom its a fermenter
E. coli-fermenter,  P. aeru is yellow only on top oxidizer, A. faec wuz non-reactive

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