Sunday, July 15, 2012

Acid-fast & Endospore staining

July 10th, Acid-Fast and Endospore Staining-
Acid-Fast, 3 slides, S. epi. as control and M. smeg. for the acid-fast cell.
Over a steamer- carbolfuchsin for prim. acid-alcohol for decolorizor, brilliant green for counterstain.
S. epi. blue/grn cocci and M. smeg. reddish bacilli-rods.

Endospore- 3 slides, S. epi. as control and B. sub. as the spores.
Over a steamer- Malachite green for prim. & rinsed w/water & counterstained with safranin.
Spores stained green- big eliptical shapes. & vegetative n daughter cells stained pink-red.

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