Saturday, July 28, 2012

Unknown day 3


*Made 2 slides, one from each slant to assure isolation
- All pink on one slide and all purple on the other.
*made 2 more slants and incubated

Unknown day 2

*checked my streak plates for any definite difference between any colonies.
- the Mac agar had pink growth is +pos for lactose fermentation
the Mac also inhibits growth of gram + so i isolated a neg from that
-The blood agar inhibits gram -neg so i pulled my gram + pos from the blood agar
*I made 2 more gram stains to see if i had isolated them, but didnt get a good slide to come out!
-So i went ahead and started 2 sepreate broths for gram+ & gram-

Unknown day 1

*Gram Stain to see what morphology my bacteria are
-i seen 2 groups of bacilli- short rods and longer rods which were forming chainlike groups
*i streaked my plates for isolation
-1 MacConkey agar
-1 Sheep blood agar
-2 TSA

MacConkey Agar

*Medium contains lactose,bile salts, neutral red, and crystal violet.
-to grow and check gram- neg bacteria for lactose fermentation
inhibitor: bile salts & crystal violet inhibits gram +pos growth
pH indicator: neutral red dye
* lactose fermenters will turn the agar red or pink for a pos+ result
-we streaked 2 agar plates sarting in section 1-4 incubated for 24 hours
*E. coli had good growth-red is a lactose fermenter
*S. epi had poor growth no ferm.
*S. enter had good beige growth no lactose ferm
*E. aero good red growth- ferments lactose

Mannitol Salt

*method used for isolating gram +pos cocci
and for identifying S. aures from other staph
*Indicator- phenol red
*Inhibitor- NaCl
-we divided the agar in half and inoculated each side with a diff germ
-incubated for 24 hrs
*S. aures- turned yellow with a halo around it +pos for mannitol fermentation
*S. epi- turned pink without halo is a -neg for ferm mannitol

Blood Agar

Medium-sheep blood & triptic soy base
*test for hemolytic of RBC's ability of gram +pos cocci
we took 2 plates and streaked them with organisms
incubated for 24 hours
*S. aure had raised dots-B hemolytic
*E. faec had lightly raised dots- Y hemo
*S. pneu had dots- A hemo

Eoisin Methylene Blue

Eoisin Methylene Blue:
*promotes growth of gram -neg organisms while inhibiting gram +pos
inhibitor: eoisin, methylene blue
we streaked every corner with a different org.
*E. coli-growth lactose fermenter,
*S. epi- no growth cuz gram -
*S. ente- growth lactose ferm
*E. aero- pink growth lactose ferm